Planetary Rounds and Globes
- Divine Heliolatry is neither astrological Astrolatry, nor Idolatry
- Drawing 1 - Our Planetary Chain of Seven Rounds.pdf
- Drawing 2 - Our Fourth Planetary Round.jpg
- Drawing 2 - Our Fourth Planetary Round.pdf
- Drawing 3 - Bhaumika or Earthly Manvantara.jpg
- Drawing 3 - Bhaumika or Earthly Manvantara.pdf
- Drawing 4 - Humanity's Fifth Root-Race.jpg
- Drawing 4 - Humanity's Fifth Root-Race.pdf
- Drawing 5 - Caduceus of Mercury.jpg
- Drawing 5 - Caduceus of Mercury.pdf
- Drawing 6 - Caduceus of the Spheres.jpg
- Drawing 6 - Caduceus of the Spheres.pdf
- Drawing 7 - The Ashvattha Tree of Life and Being.jpg
- Drawing 7 - The Ashvattha Tree of Life and Being.pdf
- Gravitation is the Immutable Law of Attraction and Repulsion in Kosmos and Man
- Is the Sun a mere cooling mass?
- Judge on the Earth Chain of Globes
- Occult Astrology predates modern Astronomy
- Planetary orbits are perpetually shifting their position and form
- Planetary Rounds of the Divine Monad
- Skinner's Interior Works of the Great Pyramid (1876)
- Skinner's Key to the Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery (1875)
- Stars, Numbers, and True Astrology
- Symbolism of the circle dance of the planets around the Sun-God
- The end of a World of Being is but the consummation of a Grand Cycle
- The end of our world is not nigh - tr. Wilson
- The master key to all imponderables of the nebular theory
- The Number of the Beast is the Number of Man
- Theosophical Jewels - Our Seven Planets and Races.jpg
- Theosophical Jewels - Our Seven Planets and Races.pdf
- Worship of Planetary Spirits is idolatrous Astrolatry