Blavatsky Speaks
- Abrahm, Isaac, and Judah are the Hindu Brahma, Ikshvaku, and Yadu
- Ancient Masonry is Archaic Gnosticism
- Blavatsky about to unveil Isis
- Blavatsky against Ecclesiastical Christianity
- Blavatsky against Spiritualism
- Blavatsky cuts down to size a carping critic of heterodoxy
- Blavatsky cuts down to size a sham adept and vulgar bully
- Blavatsky defends Buddhism in Ceylon
- Blavatsky defends Isis Unveiled
- Blavatsky enlightens her readers
- Blavatsky hated balls
- Blavatsky on a Case of Obsession
- Blavatsky on a Christian minister who was lost in God
- Blavatsky on a Heavy Curse
- Blavatsky on Animal Souls
- Blavatsky on an introspective dream
- Blavatsky on Bulgarian Sun Worship
- Blavatsky on Christmas and the Christmas Tree
- Blavatsky on Elementals and Elementaries
- Blavatsky on Hindu widow-burning
- Blavatsky on Irish Talismans
- Blavatsky on Jesuitry in Masonry
- Blavatsky on Marriage, Divorce, and Celibacy
- Blavatsky on Nebo of Birs-Nimrud
- Blavatsky on Occult Alphabets and Numerals
- Blavatsky on Occult Vibrations
- Blavatsky on Old Age
- Blavatsky on Old doctrines vindicated by new prophets
- Blavatsky on Plato's Timaeus
- Blavatsky on Progress and Culture
- Blavatsky on Religious Deformities
- Blavatsky on Shambhala, the Happy Land
- Blavatsky on Spinoza and Western Philosophers
- Blavatsky on Sunday devotion to pleasure
- Blavatsky on the Book of Enoch
- Blavatsky on the Boogeymen of Science
- Blavatsky on the Christian missionaries in India
- Blavatsky on the doomed destiny of the Romanovs
- Blavatsky on the Elucidation of old-standing enigmas
- Blavatsky on the Harmonics of Smell
- Blavatsky on the Hermetic Fire of the Mind
- Blavatsky on the Hidden Esotericism of the Bible
- Blavatsky on the History and tribulations of the Zohar
- Blavatsky on the Introversion of mental vision
- Blavatsky on the Key to Spiritual Progress
- Blavatsky on the knighted Oxford Sanskritist who could speak no Sanskrit
- Blavatsky on the Letters of Lavater
- Blavatsky on the Luminous Circle
- Blavatsky on the Meaning of the first line of Genesis
- Blavatsky on the Modern Negators of Ancient Science
- Blavatsky on the Monsoon
- Blavatsky on the Need to revive Aryan Philosophy
- Blavatsky on the New Year and false noses
- Blavatsky on the New Year's Morrow
- Blavatsky on the philosophical mind of the Chinese
- Blavatsky on the Qabbalah by Isaac Myer
- Blavatsky on the Quenchless Lamps of Alchemy
- Blavatsky on the Rationale of Fasts
- Blavatsky on the root causes of sectarianism and intolerance
- Blavatsky on the Roots of Zoroastrianism
- Blavatsky on the Secret Doctrine
- Blavatsky on the Sir Oracles of Oriental Religions
- Blavatsky on the slander of the Anglo-Indian journals
- Blavatsky on the Teachings of Eliphas Levi
- Blavatsky on Thoth, being the equivalent of Hermes and Moses
- Blavatsky on Theosophy and Asceticism
- Blavatsky on the Victims of Words
- Blavatsky on the Vishishtadvaita Philosophy
- Blavatsky on whether the Rishis exist today
- Blavatsky rebuffs the accusations of Arthur Lillie
- Blavatsky rebukes a sham theosophist and bigoted ass
- Blavatsky rebuts unspiritual conceptions about God
- Blavatsky unmasks the trinity of righteousness
- Blavatsky's Gems from the East - A Birthday Book
- Blavatsky's Last Words
- Blavatsky's Open Letter to her Correspondents
- Inductive reasoning leads to fake deductions
- Obituary to Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov
- Obituary to Pundit Dayanand Saraswati
- Occult philosophy is ancient Spiritualism
- Open Letter to her Russian Compatriots
- Open Letter to the American Section of the Theosophical Society
- Open Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury
- Open Letters to the American Conventions
- Pages from Isis Unveiled
- Pages from The Caves and Jungles of Hindostan
- Pages from The Secret Doctrine 1 - Abridged
- Pages from The Secret Doctrine 2 - Full text
- Pantheistic Theosophy is irreconcilable with Roman Catholicism
- Rosicrucianism was one of many offshoots of Oriental Occultism
- Rosicrucians emerged as an antidote to the material side of alchemy
- The Catholic Church is far more dreaded by the Devil than by God Himself
- The Fourth Gospel is a theological after-thought
- The Secret Doctrine (1888) Vol. 1 of 2, Cosmogenesis
- The Secret Doctrine (1888) Vol. 2 of 2, Anthropogenesis
- Unpopular Philosopher on Criticism and Authorities
- Unpopular Philosopher on the Eighth Wonder
- Unpopular Philosopher on the Morning Star