Higher Ethics and Devotion
- Accepted and lay chelas on the Fifth Rounders
- A worthy life is a virtuous life of noble and heroic acts
- Chelas and Lay Chelas
- Chelaship rules from the Kiu-te
- Commentary on the Gayatri by Judge
- Discharging the duty of another is dangerous
- Divine vs. Worldly Love
- Eye vs. Heart Doctrine
- Harmony is the one law in nature and essence of love eternal
- Heart Doctrine and Higher Ethics
- Krishna in Paradise - tr. Arnold
- Light on the Path
- Love is the healing power of the successful physician
- Mahatmas and Chelas
- Narada Bhakti Sutra
- Proclus on the teacher-disciple bond of love
- Protreptics to Devotional Love in the Bhagavad Gita
- Real life thrills in the seven brains of the heart
- Septuagint's Song of Songs - tr. Brenton
- Stand ready to abandon all you have learned with the head
- That pure desire, of whom Love is born
- The Bhagavad Gita - seven essays by Judge
- The Bhagavad Gita - tr. Judge
- The Devotional Songs of Kabir Saheb - tr. Tagore
- The Legend of the Blue Lotus
- The Mahatmas are the most wise, kind, and pure of all men
- The Path, by Reginald Willoughby Machell
- The Perennial Wisdom of Javidan Khirad
- The star of love thrills the noble heart
- The Story of Narada and the Supremacy of Bhakti
- The trans-Himalayan Mahatmas are men living on earth
- The very best of all talismans
- The Voice of the Silence - Seven Mystic Sounds
- The Voice of the Silence - tr. Blavatsky
- Theologia Germanica - tr. Winkworth
- Theosophical Jewels - The Amaranthine Dream.jpg
- Theosophical Jewels - The Amaranthine Dream.pdf
- Toward the Brotherhood of Man
- True prayer is mental utterance in secret
- Warnings to would-be Occultists
- When the Sun moves Northward by Collins