Theosophy and Theosophists
- A debt of gratitude to Lord Lytton
- A lay chela on Occult Study
- A lay chela on the Secret Doctrine
- A Theosophical love feast in France
- A thirsty horse-leech pleading admission to the Theosophical Society
- Aletheia is our god and dogma
- Ancient ethical worships
- Archaic Theosophy is pre-Buddhist Wisdom-Religion
- Blavatsky defends Blavatsky
- Blavatsky defends the Key to Theosophy
- Blavatsky on Anna Kingsford
- Blavatsky on the difference between soul and spirit
- Blavatsky on the Theosophy of Dr. N.I. Pirogov
- Blavatsky on the Travelling Truthseeker
- Blavatsky on the veiled phraseology of the Puranas
- Blavatsky refutes arguments against Theosophy
- Blavatsky refutes the assertions of a French Theosophist
- Blavatsky's open letter to fellow Theosophists
- Buck on the Nature and Aim of Theosophy
- Cold Metaphysics versus Divine Wisdom
- Conduct and duties of a true Theosophist
- Cory's Ancient Fragments (1832)
- Cosmopolitanism is far holier and nobler than grasping greediness cloaked in patriotism
- De Zirkoff on Charles Johnston
- De Zirkoff on Edward Douglas Fawcett
- De Zirkoff on Franz Hartmann
- De Zirkoff on Gerald Massey
- De Zirkoff on HP Blavatsky Collected Writings
- De Zirkoff on the Sibylline Oracles
- De Zirkoff on the third volume of the Secret Doctrine
- De Zirkoff on three Eminent Theosophists
- De Zirkoff on Subba Row
- De Zirkoff on the Countess of Caithness
- De Zirkoff on the dream that never dies
- De Zirkoff on Wilhelm Hübbe-Schleiden
- De Zirkoff recalls his formative years in Russia
- Early theosophical doctrines expounded by H.P. Blavatsky
- Eastern Light shines on western minds
- Eastern Occultism is the parent stream of Inner Wisdom
- Eastern Theosophy is neither a creed, nor a religious body
- “Esoteric Buddhism” has rendered precious service by popularizing esoteric truths
- Essential Theosophical Doctrines
- Glimpses of the Fathomless Mysteries of Zoroaster
- Hartmann on how to enter the Path to Infinite Life
- Hartmann on the Harmonical Society
- How Theosophy rekindled True Brotherhood in India
- Humanity seems to progress by inventing one discovery after the other
- Import and potency of numbers as symbols
- In the early days of the Theosophical Movement
- Isis Unveiled is the Majesty of Truth Unveiled
- Judge and de Zirkoff on George Mead
- Judge on the Heart Doctrine
- Judge on the Theosophical Movement
- Judge on the True Theosophist's Path
- Judge on Theosophical Study and Work
- Keys to the Mystery Language
- Let the Theosophical Society perish, than forsake the Cause of Truth
- Meditation alone will not lead to theosophic development
- Mystery is not unrevealed knowledge
- No theosophical journal can satisfy all creeds and beliefs
- Occult truth is Nature without the illusory veil of the senses
- Origin and Source of the Secret Doctrine
- Our God is Humanity and our cult the love of our fellow-man
- Our only deliverer and saviour
- Pledged students' prescribed guide for conduct
- Prerequisites to membership of the Theosophical Society
- Presidential authoritarianism is an affront to Brotherhood
- Spurned the substance and clutched the shadow
- Students have a choice of two paths
- Subba Row defends Esoteric Buddhism
- Subba Row's Esoteric Writings (1895) ed. Tookaram
- That which is false can only be known by truth
- The Adyar Theosophical Society belittled the Masters
- The aims and mission of the Theosophical Society fulfilled
- The Brethren of the Rosy Cross no longer exist
- The Crown Jewels of Theosophy (Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation)
- The empyrean philosophical exhortations of Zoroaster
- The power of the Trinity of Kosmos manifests through the four principles of man
- The Revival of Eastern Occult Philosophy
- The sun of truth fears no light and needs no lies
- The Theosophical Society is not a nursery for budding adepts
- Theoretical and practical arcane terms
- Theosophia Inner Wisdom
- Theosophia - Fountain, Perspectives, Practice
- Theosophical Movement, the great moral but silent force
- Theosophical Society - Esoteric Section letterhead
- Theosophical Society - Mission and Future
- Theosophical Society - Monogram 1.jpg
- Theosophical Society - Monogram 2.png
- Theosophical Society - Objects and early accomplishments
- Theosophical Society - Seal 1.png
- Theosophical Society - Seal 2.png
- Theosophical Symbols, a TrueType font
- Theosophist is who Theosophy does
- Theosophists defined attitudinally, ethically, philosophically
- Theosophy and Theosophists
- Theosophy brings the wisdom of love before the eye of the soul
- Theosophy is deeper Monism than Secularism, and more philosophical
- Theosophy is Religion itself and sublime code of Ethics
- Theosophy is the precious pearl within the shell of every religion
- Theosophy is the science of Truth and the religion of Justice
- Tributes to De Robigne Mortimer Bennett
- Tributes to William Quan Judge
- True Theosophists are always under the Master's Eye
- Truth is always mixed with error and hindered by technological knowledge
- Two journals devoted to the Brotherhood of Man
- Vernal blooms by William Quan Judge
- Vistas of Virtue and Truth
- Wadia's Resignation from the TS
- When pure love is perverted, humanity quivers
- Who can mend the broken Society?
- Who can read the riddle of the serpent?
- Who should be invited to theosophical meetings?
- Why a Brahmin abandoned his caste
- Why Pagan Symbolism is indestructible?