Philaletheians are Eclectic Theosophists living the Life

Nexus Announcements

Compassion: the Spirit of Truth

1 October 2023

Note to Students: a revised version 100-2023 of this major work has been published today. Here is a quick link.

Chris Rossi
Corresponding Secretary


The True Colours of Man

17 November 2015

One hundred and forty years have passed like a dream, with much heart-sore and soaring hope, since the Theosophical Society was founded on 17 November 1875 in New York.

We have decided to mark this auspicious date by releasing a series of hitherto private study notes and analyses of H.P. Blavatsky's Esoteric Section Instructions.

One pivotal study, The True Colours of Man, amplifies and clarifies E.S. Instructions I and II in a special edition 100-page e-book, complete with 31 drawings, diagrams, and tables. For other parts of the E.S. Instructions, also published by Philaletheians, please refer to page 6 of the book.

Hieronymus von Mansfeld
Director of Psychic Research


The Crown Jewels of Theosophy, a rhapsody for wakeful dreamers

31 July 2014

A collection of thirteen Theosophical Jewels has been launched today to commemorate our Seventh Anniversary, 2007-2014: they reflect first principles and high philosophical ideas. Thus we have shown our true colours. A Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Show can be found in our Theosophy and Theosophists Series.


The Love of Gods, an offering to the Master within

1 October 2013

We begin celebrating seven years online with an offering to the Master within, outwardly expressed through the light and power of fifteen semi-precious stones: Amethyst, Black Onyx, Chrysocolla, Citrine x2, Cornelian x3, Fluorite x2, Green Jade, Green Jasper, Lapis Lazuli, White Chalcedony x2.

The Love of Gods has been inspired by our compilation, Crucified between two thieves and accompanying Drawing. Its actual size is designed to fit over the triangle of the latter, when printed on A4 photo paper. Here is a quick link.


The Theosophical Movement

10 June 2011

We are often asked, “Is there a magazine that has remained true to original vision and vibe of the Theosophical Society, and that can nourish minds with the life-stream of Truth?”

Indeed there is, we answer. It is The Theosophical Movement: a Magazine Devoted to the Living of the Higher Life. Published monthly by the Theosophy Company (India) Private Ltd., Mumbai, since 17 November 1930, it is dedicated (a) to the furthering the objects of the Theosophical Movement, (b) to disseminate fundamental ideas of the philosophy of Theosophy, and (c) to aid students in the understanding of the philosophy and its application to daily life.


Echoes of the Orient: The Writings of William Quan Judge

Compiled by Dara Eklund. Second and Revised Edition. Pasadena: Theosophical University Press, 2009-11 [4 Vols.]: Vols. I and II, 2009; Vol. III, 2010; Cumulative Index Vol. IV, 2011

9 May 2011

W.Q. Judge (1851–1896) can be discerned as both a mystic and an occultist. His mystic qualities may be traced to his account of an Irish lad's terminal illness, in which a Rajah (the real W.Q.J.) took over the body of the dying child. Judge's tale of “A Borrowed Body” in our Echoes of the Orient series, describes the dual life of Judge; his daily struggle to use the borrowed vehicle, while the Rajah lay asleep in India. His Occult knowledge is evidenced by readers of his Path magazine articles, either under his own name as editor, or under various pseudonyms. Most of these appear in our Echoes series as well as his articles in The Irish Theosophist, Lucifer, The Forum, Vahan, etc.

When Judge matured, well after he came to America and became a co-founder of The Theosophical Society in 1875, H.P. Blavatsky described his truly occult nature. The following excerpt written in October 1886, can be found in the Boris de Zirkoff and Sven Eek biography, presented in our first volume of Echoes of the Orient, p. xxxiv:

The trouble with you is that you do not know the great change that came to pass in you a few years ago. Others have occasionally their astrals changed and replaced by those of Adepts . . . and they influence the outer, and the higher man. With you, it is the NIRMANAKAYA not the “astral” that blended with your astral. Hence dual nature and fighting. [Originally found quoted in The Theosophical Forum, Pt. Loma, Vol. III, August 15, 1932, p. 253.]

The biographical sketch of over 50 pages includes his role as both General Secretary of the T.S. in the United States, his fruitful literary decade from starting his Path magazine in 1886 to the close of his life in 1896. Besides writing tirelessly for his own journal, which H.P.B. called “pure Buddhi,” he produced several Theosophical texts: The Ocean of Theosophy; his own Bhagavad Gita rendition (plus a commentary); The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali; Occult Tales, as well as hundreds of tracts sent to branches across the United States (where he gave lecture tours). Later booklets were drawn from The Path such as Epitome of Theosophy and Theosophy Generally Stated. W.Q.J. was a strong influence on the Irish Literary Renaissance, and AE (George Wm. Russell) wrote of Judge: “I think he only says things he knows.”

Our second edition of the four volume series produced during 2008 through 2011 was updated with more extensive footnotes. This was due to the internet sources not available for the first edition, which was destroyed during the Southern California wild fires in 2007.

Dara Eklund


Theosophical Classics CD-ROM x64 Upgrade

14 October 2010

For the benefit of those early users of the Theosophical Classics CD-ROM, who wish to migrate to any Windows 64-bit operating system, i.e., XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, and 10, we have updated and repackaged the original version of the program as it uses the 16-bit version of Media Viewer and will not work with 64-bit data types and addresses.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the Director and Staff of Liverpool University's Computing Services for carrying out this complex operation on our behalf seamlessly and smoothly.

The new version, Theosophical Classics.msi, keeps all the original files in a single package but adds the files needed by the 32-bit version of Media Viewer. It will work in any modern Windows operating environment, whether 32-bit or 64-bit. The upgrade is expressly limited to system compatibility and ease of installation. There are no other modifications to the original program.

Theosophical Classics.msi can be downloaded from here as a .zip file. It can be freely distributed to any interested party, provided its provenance is duly acknowledged.

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