Secret Doctrine's Proposition 2
- Blavatsky on Karma and Reincarnation
- Blavatsky on the Mind in Nature
- Blavatsky on the Secret Cycles
- Blavatsky on the Theory of Cycles
- Insights to the operation of Karma in European history
- Karma is the Uncreated Law of Truth and Justice
- Karma operates only when there is a living being to make it
- Kosmos is eternal noetic motion unmanifested
- Man is the sole author of his fortune and future
- Proposition 2 - Compassion the Spirit of Truth
- Proposition 2 - Diagram.jpg
- Proposition 2 - Diagram Notes
- Proposition 2 - Karma Nuggets
- Proposition 2 - Unknown and Unknowable
- Retributive Justice in the Cave of the Echoes
- Serpents bringing out Compassion
- The elect soul is punished through martyrdom
- The Secret Doctrine on Karma and Rebirths
- The Wheel of Ezekiel.jpg
- Though fate comprehends infinite, it is finite in its operations
- Walker on Reincarnation, a forgotten truth (1888)