Secret Doctrine's Proposition 3
- Adventures and Peregrinations of the Metaphysical Atom
- Ardhanarishvara, symbol of the hermaphrodite Third Race.jpg
- Blavatsky on the Force of the Mineral Monas
- Blavatsky on the Holy Union of High Occultists
- Colours of our Seven Planets and Root-Races.jpg
- Crowning achievement of the Great Sacrifice
- Diagram 1 - Root-Races in the Fourth Round.jpg
- Diagram 2 - The Force of the Mineral Monas.pdf
- Evolution of the human life-wave on earth
- Great genius and counterfeits
- Higher conscience is heroic; lower conscience, cowardly
- Insights to the first chapter of Genesis
- Lucifer is Christos, Inner Light
- Mentality and Freedom by William Armstrong Fairburn (1917)
- Nature unaided fails
- Past and future are here and now
- Presentation on Marriages made in Heaven.ppt
- Proposition 3 - Born from the pores of the skin
- Proposition 3 - Colours of the Seven Root-Races
- Proposition 3 - Creation in ten occult aphorisms
- Proposition 3 - Cycle of Necessity
- Proposition 3 - Diagram.jpg
- Proposition 3 - Diagram Notes
- Proposition 3 - Marriage made in Heaven
- Proposition 3 - Mind is the Man
- Proposition 3 - Prometheus, Indian Titan and Hierophant
- Proposition 3 - Rise and Demise of Atlantis
- Proposition 3 - Seven Wars in Heaven and on Earth
- Proposition 3 - Sons of the Fire-Mist
- Proposition 3 - The first four Root-Races
- Proposition 3 - The first four Root-Races (Appendices)
- Proposition 3 - The last three Root-Races
- Proposition 3 - The last three Root-Races (Appendix)
- Proposition 3 - The Nous of the Greeks
- Proposition 3 - The Seven Creations
- Pygmalion-Galatea is an allegory of early man's semi-divine soul
- The Cross and the Pythagorean Decad
- The dog symbolises our spiritual conscience
- The first chapter of Genesis has nothing to do with the creation of man
- The four Adams of the Kabbalah
- The future of the American Continent and its Peoples
- The visible Sun in our Solar System is a ball of electromagnetic forces, glowing but not burning
- There is nothing greater than the divining straws and the tortoise
- Vitality and dissolution in the grand cycles of existence